Letting Go and Letting God

You remember when we were growing up and we were assigned different household chores.

It was something we didn’t do wholeheartedly at first, but when a price was attached, it later became our most cherished job.

Bring the chore to date now, instead of U and I doing the cleaning and cooking,God is.

He’s taking care of our “HOUSE”, OUR HEARTS, OUR BODIES, OUR MINDS,
making us into everything HE has ordained for us.
It was never in our DNA to be perfect, that’s why we have HIM.
HE fights for us,  guides us, provides for us, keeps us.
It’s not like there’s a reward for HIM for all this, instead we are on the double benefiting end.

So I sat to think, why not make the Jesus-task easier, submit yourself to HIS will.
HE has mapped out the course of our lives,
What could possibly go wrong?.
Why not let go and let GOD.
Goodmorning family,
Enjoy your weekend.
christyojo.WordPress. com

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