Yomade Balogun’s Operation was successful

#Teamoau you remember #saveyomade the oau alumna who needed #8.5million for a kidney transplant, the operation was successful and this is what she has to say:
I am beyond grateful. My heart is filled with joy. God has poured the oil of gladness upon my soul. Words cannot express my gratitude. He made a way where there seems to be no way. He reminded me everyday that I am not alone in my struggles. In the midst of the trials he raised men and women whom I remain eternally grateful to. A big thank you to you all who heard my cry for help and answered, may God in his faithfulness never leave you. I pray that God’s blessing will not depart from your dwellings. As I celebrate my birthday today (Nov 5) I am reminded that all of you made it possible in Good health. And today’s success wouldn’t have been possible without u all. Thank you all. I love you all so very much. God bless you.
Balogun Yomade.

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Guess what? We have “Saved” Yomade Balogun


Earlier today, Adebimpe Balogun confirmed to us that the 8.5 million Naira for her sister’s surgery Yomade  Balogun is now complete. All thanks to teamOAU and every other well wishers; Yomade will now under go her kidney transplant surgery soonest. All she needs now is a successful surgery. Thanks for the money and contributions; now, let us add prayer join. She will come out of this one alive.  #Pray4Yomade #Pray4Yomade #Pray4Yomade. 

– #saveyomadegroup

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