#BoygirlThing: Overcoming Heartbreak: From A Christian Perspective.

I was going to write about this but then didn’t have the courage to until I saw an image-quote; “The best way to heal a broken heart is to give God all the pieces.” Deep, isn’t it?

Some say the best things you can do with a heartbreak is to either get over it or learn to live with it. I’ll go with the former with an attached clause to it; get over it and get closer to God.

God is still in the business of healing broken, chattered hearts. Most times, broken hearted people wants to find solace, and many tend towards the wrong direction. Drugs, Sex, Alcohol etc can ease off heart break for a short period of time.

But there’s nothing like being in God’s presence when you have hate and hurts in your hearts. Spend more time in church, play loud music, read your bible, sleep and so on. With time, your heart will heal; and from experience comes growth, you’ll come out better from it as well.

~ @YemiOlutoye