Top Five Relationship Spots in OAU

We did a list of the most popular love-spots in OAU and here you have them!

As the name implies, this is the popular car park where Angola and Mozambique Halls meet. It is usual to see guys and ladies standing in groups and talking about everything you cannot particularly decipher. It’s also a point for young lovers who are trying to get to know each other and are not willing to walk as far as academics to meet. Since Moz is majorly for 100level students, it is not unusual to sight older guys coming around to pick up young, naive girls to town.

Is it the solitude that comes with it? Or the fact that it is often dark at night? Or that people don’t really pass this route once it’s dark? Perhaps it’s because the scenery of Road 1 is so romantic. One cannot simply get the answer. Motion Ground is frequently used by couples who either want to escape the prying eyes of passers-by or who simply want some private time to themselves.

New Bukateria which is colloquially known as “New Buka” has become one of the chilling spots for people, ranging from people going to drink to people taking their partners out or to people with the intention to lavish money to impress someone of the opposite sex. Apart from Rotunda, Jo’s Indulge, Spices, Guess, Banwill are there for guys who are willing to treat their ladies to a special night. These places can be used at any time.

At the front of the Department of Architecture is a garden of flowers and leaves which is on a beautiful structure. Couples tend to flock there almost for the same reason Motion Ground is visited. The staircase there is hardly used and so nobody can come to interrupt a romantic evening.

The last, but not the least spot is Sports Complex. Even though this venue is popularly used by fellowships and praying groups, some couples still find it a romantic spot.

Oyedele Opeyemi

#BoyGirlThing: Love is a Commitment

A guy tells a girl, “I love you”. You as an individual, what comes to your mind? An hormonal female teenager will be swept away by those words and one thing leads to another and she’s in the bed of “the lover”.

This brings us to a block, what then is love? I’ve heard one person say that love is that positive strong affection that someone feels towards another. I’ve heard another person say that love is obedience.


Lets go the movies and see what they have to say concerning love. You see a lady, with long flowing hair and the right amount of flesh in the right places coupled with a beautiful face, with a man, whose abs are glistening like the sun is in it and possesses a square jaw and a handsome face. You see them kissing and professing love to one another and the audience is like “They are so in love”. As crazy as a lot of people might find Miley Cyrus is, she said the truth in one of her songs. She said:

“I used to believe love conquered all
‘Cause that’s what I’ve seen in movies
Come to find out it’s not like that at all
You see real life’s much different”
When you try to recreate love as seen on TV, you tend to lose it. Love is not about spending money, or sleeping with anyone who professes love to you. It is not about who talks to you the most, or who you think about when you want to sleep.

                      Love is Commitment…

Sex is More Than Just Penetration


The idea of sex, anytime it comes to my head is penetration, until I had to renew my thinking in that angle by reading. I might be a little crude in this post, but, “hey! It’s just one post.”

There is this #Nosum movement on Twitter which stands for No Sex until Marriage. I noticed the movement early this year. Every time I see a Nosum tweet or DP somewhere, it always emphasizes virginity; that is, it has based sex on just “losing virginity”.

Virginity is the top whatever that every Christian lady (and guy) is watching and holding in high esteem; but does that mean Christian singles can/should engage in every other activity (Kissing, dressing or undressing, smooching, touching and their likes) while dating?

It is possible to have sex without losing your virginity once you know that sex is more than just penetration. Many Christians have in their mind that Sex should be saved for marriage, but in the actual sense, what they are saying is that intercourse or penetration should be saved for marriage.
“The problem among many Christians is that we don’t acknowledge sexual intimacy as a whole package. Christians should take time to consider the deeper significance of something many of us have learned to treat nonchalantly.”, Pg 163; in the book “Boy Meets Girl, say hello to courtship” by Joshua Harris




10 Signs That You are “Single but not Stupid”

First, when a guy demands sex from you in order to prove that you love him, tell him you are single but not stupid.

Secondly, When a guy demands sex from you to prove if both of you are sexually compatible; tell him you are single but not stupid.

Thirdly, when a lady freely undresses and changes her clothes in your presence under the pretext that you are close friends, run brother run, you are single but not stupid.

Fourthly, when a guy preaches the use of romance and phone sex as a holy substitute for fornication and then projects you as the only one who must “save” him or else he would completely backslide, don’t fall for that guilt trip, put on your thinking cap and say, “I’m single but not stupid.”

Fifthly, when a lady becomes overtly kind and gives you special attention which she can’t maintain or sustain with other guys, but becomes exceptionally caring and accommodating enough to do anything you want or even cross the purity line, my friend, you are looking at another Jezebel, the slayer of giants. Hurry, flee! You are single but not stupid.

Six, when a guy joins church because of you, gets baptized because of you, joins an activity group because of you, and changes his lifestyle because of you. Ask yourself since when did you become his messiah, mentor and saviour when Jesus Christ is still seated at the right hand of the Father. Baby, you are single but not stupid.

Seven, when as a lady, you are compelled to do a stupid thing just to prove you are beautiful; and to confirm that you are privileged to be with this handsome, popular and charismatic guy; and to show that you deserve and appreciate all his efforts towards you; and that, by the way, if you don’t, some other lady is more than willing to do it for him and take your place. Relax, a LOVE YOU HAVE TO PROVE, is a LOVE THAT WILL NEVER LAST. Remember, you are single but not stupid.

Eight, when a man preaches the stupidity of condom. Tell him that the HIV virus is 450 times smaller than the sperm cell and if condoms have a 15-25% failure rate, you are single but not so stupid as to trust a condom in the name of safe sex.

Nine, It is stupid to hang around a guy simply because he disvirgined you, or because you are pregnant for him. Never tie yourself to a childhood love when obviously, it has no future, or it was a mistake or there is an endless wait for commitment. And even if you are pregnant, don’t buy into the lie that that you have no choice. Wisdom says, have the baby, perhaps give the baby up for adoption, learn from your mistakes and take charge of your future.

Ten, my friend, have you ever tried to get to know a lady beyond her beauty and the curves of her body? Do you realize that a woman may lose her famous figure eight after some babies descend from her womb?
Do you truly love her or are you simply infatuated? I think you are more intelligent than that. Being passionately single should not make you stupefied at temporary beauty for you are SINGLE BUT NOT STUPID!


Written by Editor,

#BoygirlThing: Overcoming Heartbreak: From A Christian Perspective.

I was going to write about this but then didn’t have the courage to until I saw an image-quote; “The best way to heal a broken heart is to give God all the pieces.” Deep, isn’t it?

Some say the best things you can do with a heartbreak is to either get over it or learn to live with it. I’ll go with the former with an attached clause to it; get over it and get closer to God.

God is still in the business of healing broken, chattered hearts. Most times, broken hearted people wants to find solace, and many tend towards the wrong direction. Drugs, Sex, Alcohol etc can ease off heart break for a short period of time.

But there’s nothing like being in God’s presence when you have hate and hurts in your hearts. Spend more time in church, play loud music, read your bible, sleep and so on. With time, your heart will heal; and from experience comes growth, you’ll come out better from it as well.

~ @YemiOlutoye

#BoyGirlThing: How To Handle A Crush or Secret Admirer.


Photo Credit:

Titi: “Sade, I don’t have what to wear,
Martin is going to be in our 306 class now..
It’s the first day of the semester and I don’t want to be underdressed…
Hopefully, he sees me when we are coming in and I need to make an appearance…….”.

Sade: what’s so special about Martin, he’s not even the cutest guy for heaven sake and you are here combining colors and trying to look Gorgeous for a “regular guy”….

To sade, no other guy can be perfect like Martins. He’s all she needs in a guy at the moment, he is a perfect gentleman and he can’t do any wrong whichever way you try to convince her against her “FAIRYTALE”, it will fall on deaf ears….. Trust me!

The Secret crushes and dream lives together. Making up things that match you guys together.
Rehearsing your first conversation over again… becoming a “friend, follower, tagging, all the likes..

This is how to handle them

So, you also have this guy or girl that you’ll literally melt at the sight of,
You’d do anything so your paths cross over and over again in the space of a minute..
Some would say.. “He’s so… She’s so….”
It’s not a crime… Until it becomes an obsession…
Its completely natural so long as it’s not blown outta proportion.
But I learnt from a friend to always CALM DOWN!!!!

It’s not childish or overrated, rather it’s mature and total understanding of yourself, recognizing that it doesn’t take a guy’s acknowledgement for you to bring out all your exotic silverwares and nice dresses.

Just keep calm and calm down.

K’ore writes: Grace Can be Removed If We Continue in Sin


Spiritual fornication/prostitution is the error of Balaam.

Balaam served GOD for his own personal gains, and the prophet would rather change GOD’S Mind than allow GOD to cause him to repent.

Today the Balaamithes are changing the intention of GOD as it is written in the scriptures; changing the Bible rather than allowing the Bible to change them.

While GOD gave very very loud and clear emphatic command that no one should trifle with His written word – The Bible;

Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your GOD that I give you.-Deut.4:2.& Rev.22:18-19.

The Balaamithes would do just that; compromise the word of GOD by adding, removing, selecting, re – emphasising, and infusing pagan or New Age ideas with Holy Spirit inspired scriptures.

The gospel of Grace has in recent times come to the fore much like the gospel of Faith has been for many years bastardised to justify every canal indulgence, and material greed of the teachers at the expense of the people Jesus Christ died for.

#Grace has now been re – emphasised to mean licentiousness; lacking moral restraint, having disregard for rules, removing the ancient landmarks, hating discipline.

Adherent of this perverted grace doctrine practise *lawlessness, even though scriptures clearly states that the Antichrist is the man of lawlessness who would lead people of faith into the rebellion that would preceed the second coming of Yeshuah Hamashiach.-2 Thess.2.

The children of Israel were never perfect at any time, but Grace covered them so Balaam could not curse them.

Until the money prophet hatched the devious plan of enticing the people already covered by Grace to remove the covering, by adding sin to sin.

What Balaam did wasn’t causing a righteous people to sin; what he did was causing a sinful people covered by grace to insult the Spirit of Grace and use it as an occasion to more sin.

And that’s what all these once saved forever saved, no matter what you do folks don’t want to hear.

David, a man after GOD’S Heart was guilty of as much sin as Saul, the marked difference was genuine repentance; turning away from sin in one, and the lack of it in the other.

Somebody needs to pray for restoration of a contrite heart.

#wrong belief is unbelief

Kenny K’ore is one of Nigeria’s foremost Gospel musician. He tweets at @kennykore

Stay close on Facebook.. follow us on Twitter @oauchristians… our Bbm channel: C0016043F

K’ore Writes: The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing




For there are three that bear record in Heaven, the FATHER, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: AND THESE THREE ARE ONE.

And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: AND THESE THREE AGREE IN ONE.-1 John 5 : 7&8.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.-2 Peter 1:20.

The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you–they are full of the Spirit and life.-John 6:63.

The Holy Spirit, if indeed He is in us, must agree with the scriptures, or else that spirit is a FRAUD, and although they make tall and bold claims, they would never impart life.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!-Galatians 1:8.
#wrong belief is unbelief

Kenny K’ore is one of Nigeria’s foremost Gospel musician. He tweets at @kennykore

Stay close on Facebook.. follow us on Twitter @oauchristians… our Bbm channel: C0016043F

K’ore Writes: There is no relationship without obligations


David was a prophet-king who understood the heart of a shepherd, and he walked in revelations well ahead of his time. He wrote “The Lord is my Shepherd/The LORD is my light and my Salvation– whom shall I fear/Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered…

Yet David said that he would never give to GOD that which costs him nothing.-1st chronicles 21:24.

You think you’re in a relationship with GOD, yet you believe you owe HIM no obligations? ,

And you’re still wandering how Jesus would be a STONE OF OFFENCE to many, or why he’s coming back to tell several people plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers!’-Matt.7:23 ????????


Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of GOD’S Mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to GOD–this is your true and proper worship.-Romans 12:1.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…-Romans 12:2.

Pure religion and undefiled before GOD and the FATHER is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.-James 1:27.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.-Phil.4:13.

Jesus did not give you the Precious Holy Spirit so that you can be lounging idle; you have the greater one in you so that you can DO all things.

#wrong believe is unbelieve


Kenny K’ore is one of Nigeria’s foremost Gospel musician. He tweets at @kennykore

Stay close on Facebook.. follow us on Twitter @oauchristians… our Bbm channel: C0016043F

Intro to Relationshipz (#Boygirlthing)

Hi friends howdy? What’s happening ? dejifan is my name a psychologist from Oba Awon Univarsity. we might not meet one on one but through platforms like this we shall talk and rub minds, I started this category because I felt led to share a lot of experiences I have gathered over the years various relationships I have witnessed in Ogba femi and beyond. We would be talking about boys and girls a lot and the issue of s*x, we will uncover a lot together don’t form Holy-Holy it for our own good we really need to discuss the issue of sex and Pre-martial sex and many more.
As a way of introduction I won’t be writing this column alone I will be writing with a good friend of mine I haven’t told her yet sef Adeola mariah. I promise you this will not be another Church blog. It won’t be boring things and please don’t expect explicit pictures and videos here. I have seen a lot in this thing called relationship e.g ( A boy go wait 5 HOURS… Yes 5 human being hours for a girl or a girl Pays school fees for a boy and he still beats her.) and I am learning more and more by the day I must say its an interesting thing to see a guy fall in love with a girl.
Nuff said let’s get to work I will be writing/posting twice a week or once a week so keep following and you can send your questions to me via email ( or follow me on twitter @dejifan or facebook: dejifan ask for a follow back or add me and send your questions and the Holyspirit will give you an answer that nah sure banker. I will also be dropping gentlemanly tips on grooming, taking a lady out, a bit of dressing, and many more interesting thingz sha. Looking forward to seeing your comments. Thanks.
Apologies if you are not from OAU am sorry.

Stay close on Facebook.. follow us on Twitter @oauchristians… our Bbm channel: C0016043F