10 Signs That You are “Single but not Stupid”

First, when a guy demands sex from you in order to prove that you love him, tell him you are single but not stupid.

Secondly, When a guy demands sex from you to prove if both of you are sexually compatible; tell him you are single but not stupid.

Thirdly, when a lady freely undresses and changes her clothes in your presence under the pretext that you are close friends, run brother run, you are single but not stupid.

Fourthly, when a guy preaches the use of romance and phone sex as a holy substitute for fornication and then projects you as the only one who must “save” him or else he would completely backslide, don’t fall for that guilt trip, put on your thinking cap and say, “I’m single but not stupid.”

Fifthly, when a lady becomes overtly kind and gives you special attention which she can’t maintain or sustain with other guys, but becomes exceptionally caring and accommodating enough to do anything you want or even cross the purity line, my friend, you are looking at another Jezebel, the slayer of giants. Hurry, flee! You are single but not stupid.

Six, when a guy joins church because of you, gets baptized because of you, joins an activity group because of you, and changes his lifestyle because of you. Ask yourself since when did you become his messiah, mentor and saviour when Jesus Christ is still seated at the right hand of the Father. Baby, you are single but not stupid.

Seven, when as a lady, you are compelled to do a stupid thing just to prove you are beautiful; and to confirm that you are privileged to be with this handsome, popular and charismatic guy; and to show that you deserve and appreciate all his efforts towards you; and that, by the way, if you don’t, some other lady is more than willing to do it for him and take your place. Relax, a LOVE YOU HAVE TO PROVE, is a LOVE THAT WILL NEVER LAST. Remember, you are single but not stupid.

Eight, when a man preaches the stupidity of condom. Tell him that the HIV virus is 450 times smaller than the sperm cell and if condoms have a 15-25% failure rate, you are single but not so stupid as to trust a condom in the name of safe sex.

Nine, It is stupid to hang around a guy simply because he disvirgined you, or because you are pregnant for him. Never tie yourself to a childhood love when obviously, it has no future, or it was a mistake or there is an endless wait for commitment. And even if you are pregnant, don’t buy into the lie that that you have no choice. Wisdom says, have the baby, perhaps give the baby up for adoption, learn from your mistakes and take charge of your future.

Ten, my friend, have you ever tried to get to know a lady beyond her beauty and the curves of her body? Do you realize that a woman may lose her famous figure eight after some babies descend from her womb?
Do you truly love her or are you simply infatuated? I think you are more intelligent than that. Being passionately single should not make you stupefied at temporary beauty for you are SINGLE BUT NOT STUPID!


Written by Editor, exquisiteladis.wordpress.com/