…And Lace The Boots

At every period in our lives, there is always a boot to lace but the challenges that surface goes to which boot to lace and at what time. The “boots” in our lives include all the choices we make from studying to partying, relationships, career, what we eat and working towards achieving our dreams. We always have to make a decision concerning our boots and it is crucial that we do it right else, we’ll just keep falling. We can not do without them because they are what constitute our living and every bit of them matters. Lacing your boots means making the right decisions and putting things in place. It also means getting ready for every task that could be brought your way.

Imagine a footballer in a pair of boots without pegs to play on a field on a specially rainy day. He will most definitely get the hardest falls of his life. He’ll miss goals and end up frustrated. Needless to say, he won’t enjoy the game. Well, that’s what happens when we lace our boots wrongly.

How well we fasten the lace tells a lot about how far and how fast we will go. Also, imagine a driver on a journey of 24 hours but who fuelled his automobile to last for an hour. He is going to have to stop at a fuel station to get more fuel and if he gets just an hour worth of fuel again then he’s got to keep stopping to get more fuel. Of course, that’ll slow him down!

In our journey in life, what boot, what time and how to lace a boot are important factors that we should always consider. Ensure your boots are laced rightly.

Damilola Aladesuru


Maintaining A Great Prayer Life In Spite Of Your Busy Schedule

Very often we get so busy and over burdened with activities that we sometimes may not be able to pray. Is God pleased with the lack of communication with His children? Obviously not. But have we over burdened ourselves with the fear that the lack of prayer has severed our ties with our Creator? Sometimes.

Our prayer life is as essential as any other aspect of our Christianity and Paul in his epistle to the Thessalonians admonished them to pray ceaselessly but what do we do when we find ourselves too busy to pray as we ought to?

God Assigned Prayer Time?

If you have problems with the time you ought to be praying you must realise that it’s we humans who stipulated the time of our prayers. Where and when you pray does not affect God’s listening ears. You don’t pray at 5AM as you should doesn’t mean you can’t pray at 7.

Get A Prayer Aid

Sometimes it is not the busy schedule that keeps us from praying, it is our inability to decide what to pray on. Get a prayer aid to assist you in reforming your prayer life. An interesting and helpful prayer aid is provided in the link below. naijachristians.com/never-stop-praying-need-a-praying-aid-for-2015/

Get A Prayer Partner

Iron sharpeneth iron, a declining prayer life is better restored with a stronger partner. You get one with whom you can share your fears and pains in order to overcome them and you can even tap into the depth of your partner’s experience to become a better person.



No matter how hooked we are, however extremely busy we think we are, there is the place of planning, when we plan we learn to push through to achieve what we have planned. Prioritizing prayer places it in the fore of our activities, so no matter the tightness of our schedule, we will pick out the time we have to pray.

Prayer is the basic communication with God, keep a fervent prayer,  keep a strong bond with God. I Thess. 5:17

Becoming Too Comfortable With God.

Let’s be sincere we all have at one time or the other been guilty of this, we slow down our horses, we get too comfortable and let our guards down. Most scenarios are  ‘I’m a bit busy now  I will pray later, I will do it right after this chore, I know we can think up more excuses.

Proverbs 6:10 – 11 warns us of this : A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep–so shall your poverty come on you like a robber, and your need like an armed man.

It isn’t enough we prayed for 30 hours last week, that was last week, what are you doing this week? Last week prayers pulling you through? Mom’s prayers keeps you going? Good but you can do better. Imagine eating last week food when you can prepare a fresh one and guess what? You have all the ingredients with you, all you need to do is just be willing to go that mile. The same goes for our relationship with God, He has given us an unlimited pass to Him, opened the communication pathway to us and He is waiting to hear from us.

And you know the great thing about this unlimited pass, you can pray anywhere, on the go, in the bus, while cooking, solving maths, shopping, in a meeting, it doesn’t have to be loud, it doesn’t have to be long and people doesn’t need to know you are praying after all it’s just you and your heavenly father communicating .


I know there will be days when we are at our lowest and there will be days we are at the peak and all the other days in between, God wants to share those moments with us. Five minutes every hour can go a long way in our lives if we make it a habit. We got our e bible, we can read on the go. He wants us to be comfortable with Him, comfortable enough to speak to Him when we want to decide whether we want to do something as simple as buying either watermelon or pawpaw.

But not too comfortable that we will wake up in the morning and we can’t say ‘Thank you Lord for another beautiful day ‘or even a ‘Good morning Lord’. That’s taking Him for granted. I for one will work on this for I am not perfect and I do slack at times but I am determined to be consistent and I will. So the question now is will you?

The Vow

He took a deep breath.

Ever since he was about thirteen or fourteen years old (he couldn’t remember exactly when, but what did that matter anyway?), he had sworn that no matter what, he would write his own vows. He wasn’t having any of that unscriptural, for-better-for-worse, for-richer-for-poorer nonsense. Who says that?” He would remark with the tone he always used when something greatly agitated him, along with his complimentary hand gestures.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been promised wealth, health and abundance by God! Why would I negate that with what I say? When I say ‘in sickness and in health…’ doesn’t that indicate that I’m expecting sickness? Doesn’t that indicate that I’m making God a liar, when he has said that I am already healed? No now…you guys are laughing but I’m serious. That’s how I see it sha. And I can’t act differently from the revelation I have.”

He snapped out of his reverie to admire the breathtaking beauty that stood before him. She was dark, no doubt. Dark and lovely. Her voice was music to his ears, even when she simply whispered. Her smile brightened his day, and her eyes captured the attention of his heart. Everytime.

She wore no veil. He was absolutely adamant on that point, as well as several other dismissals of popular wedding culture, as much as he could get away with doing away with.

He cupped her face in one hand, and she responded to his touch. As always. His eyes, expressive as ever, communicated the depth and sincerity of his love. Then he spoke, his voice sure, steady, as confident as his love for her, her love for him, and God’s love for them.

“My love, my bride, my precious one, my jewel, my crown, my dove. My pride and joy, my priceless gem, my diamond…finally. Finally the day has come. The day when the world witnesses our union, the union our Father ordained before the foundation of the world. Not as though we haven’t already been united; for you were in me when I was created. The Father created one man, male and female created He us.

I have no doubt whatsoever that we stand here right now in the centre of the will of God. I believe and so I speak. I call forth those things that are not like they are, and they begin to exist.

And so today, as it was in the beginning, when God brought Eve to Adam, I recognize you as my suitable helper and companion. I declare in the assembly of the brethren: you are now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. I call you my Queen, for royalty we are. Three nations are in your womb. Today I call you blessed. Today I call you my wife. Today I call you me, for you were taken out of me.

I will be the man you need, in every way, at every time, always following the leading of the Spirit of God, even as I lead you. You have no need to fear, my love, for I honour my word more than my name, and I will zealously watch over it, and perform it.

I love you as Christ loves the Church. We are going to show the world what love means. Nothing can ever separate you from my love. Nothing. I love you forever, no matter what, with all my heart, and even death cannot separate us because we live forever.”

He paused the video and looked at her face. She was blushing furiously, trying to use her hands to hide her face. He gently drew her hand from her face, looking at her straight in the eyes.

“How am I doing, so far? Rate me.” 

“Baby, I rate you a hundred percent! You are ma shaa Allah”. He laughed. Then he kissed her, and she felt her body melt for the millionth time.

“Jeez! Guys! Take it inside! I’m going to have a visitor very soon. Didn’t you hear me! Hey! Break it up!”

“Ooooh…Taiye, what’s your own? Go and marry! Abi,is it your wife? Baby we need to go on our second honeymoon sharp sharp jare…all these jealous children!”


Written by @FIFtheMyth

Kore Writes: Save The Authority Over Your Life For God

The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.1 Tim.5:17.

I believe this ‘double honour’ for good leaders is in comparison to those who aren’t as diligent or efficient at their duty.
And it is chiefly concerning their welfare, maintenance, upkeep, (honorarium);

It gives no reference whatsoever to idolising of men all in the name of leadership.

Note: this passage is one of those scriptural passages that people who lusts for power over their fellow men have used to exert such OLIGARCHIC control.

The emphasis of Jesus is very clearly stated as regards leadership: it is for administration, not rulership, lordship or dictatorship.
Matthew 20:25-27,”Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles LORD IT OVER THEM, AND THEIR HIGH OFFICIALS EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER THEM.
NOT SO WITH YOU. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.
and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.

How many prominent leaders today, do you know, that is a servant or a slave, (leads with such sense).

Rather, examples abound of men of GOD, who have become god of men; creating fellow believers in their own image, and allowing themselves to be placed on pedestals.

But the bible is clear: Don’t set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God

And don’t let people maneuver you into taking charge of them. There is only one Life-Leader for you and them – Christ.-Matt.23:9&10.

#Exposing The Mind Control

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